Supplies List
Elf: Daisy the Elf
Entering this into the following challenges:
12/25 DL.ART Elf Antics 2nd Annual Linky Party - Incl 3D Elf/Elves & Red UE 11/28
A blog site for me to share my passion for calligraphy, crochet, digital photography and other crafts (card making, embossing & scrapbooking). Email please sub symbols for word in parens & no blanks: sunshine_honeybee2004 (at sign) yahoo (dot) com
Daisy looks lovely sitting there on the Dog House! Your decor is festive Melissa! I lost Garland again at Trader Joes - but found her.... you can see where I found her at DL Thankful Thursday or by visiting my blog.